Experienced gynaecologists and midwives at the Private Clinic Ģimenes veselība take care of our clients' reproductive health by providing gynaecological care and care for pregnant women. The rooms are equipped with modern ultrasound equipment to provide the necessary diagnostic information during the appointment. If you need a more extensive examination, we offer it to be performed by the best ultrasound specialists using a Premium-class ultrasonograph.
The Private Clinic Ģimenes veselība has joined the cervical cancer screening programme. If you have received an invitation letter and would like to see one of our doctors, there will be a charge for the appointment, but no charge for the cytologic examination. In this case, the invitation letter and the cervical cytology screening card attached to the letter will serve as a referral for the state-funded cytologic examination – therefore, don't forget to take it with you!
We offer:
- treatment of gynaecological diseases;
- various tests;
- prenatal care, cardiotocography (recording and assessing foetal heart tones);
- family planning and choice of contraception;
- infertility diagnosis and treatment, in collaboration with the Embrions Centre for Reproductive Medicine,
- addressing menopausal issues;
- modern diagnosis;
- therapeutic procedures and manipulations;
- gynaecological surgeries in Day Care Facility.
Diagnostic procedures:
- ultrasound examinations,
- ultrasound examinations for pregnant women,
- ultrasonographic assessment of uterine tubes patency,
- colposcopy – cervical abnormalities diagnosed by colposcope, which is used when an abnormality is visually diagnosed in the cervix and requires further investigation,
- hysteroscopy – an endoscopic technique of diagnosing intrauterine abnormality used in the diagnosis of congenital anomalies of the uterine cavity, septate uterus, adhesions, intramural tubal pathologies, submucosal myomas, differential diagnosis (with or without biopsy) of unspecified uterine masses and endometrial polyps,
- aspirate from the uterine cavity,
- biopsy sample collection from the uterine cervix.
Manipulations and treatment procedures:
- MonaLisa Touch®
- cryodestruction (using liquid nitrogen gas),
- treatment of the cervix with drugs,
- insertion and removal of the intrauterine device (price includes local cervical anaesthesia),
- vaccination against human papillomavirus. The vaccine prevents viral infection, reducing the risk of cervical cancer. The vaccine is indicated for girls and women aged 9-26 years.
We perform the following gynaecological surgeries in the Day Care Facility:
- diagnostic abrasion of the uterine cavity and cervix,
- removal of the uterine cavity and cervix polyps,
- early termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration (vacuum abortion),
- hysterosalpingography – tubal patency examination for infertility,
- intrauterine spiral insertion and removal under anaesthesia,
- examination of the uterine cavity by hysteroscopy,
- hysteroresectoscopy.
More than 300 pregnant women are registered for prenatal care in Private Clinic Ģimenes veselība. Doctors and midwives work together to provide care that meets every pregnant woman's needs, and a series of lectures is organised for parents-to-be.
We pay special attention to ultrasound in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Jevgenijs Sivachov
Ultrasonography expert. Gynecologist. Labor specialist.

Viktorija Kovalevska
Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Ultrasonography Specialist

Olga Lavrentjeva
Gynecologist. Obstetrician. Ultrasonography specialist.

Svetlana Babuskina
Gynecologist. Obstetrician.

Vladimirs Lukoskovs
Gynecologist - oncologist
Gynecology services
Cervical biopsy and histological examination
48 €
Gynecologist consultation
45 €
Vaginal or cervical drug treatment with the price of the drug
20 €
Fetal ultrasonography 11-13 weeks, 20-22 weeks- screening examination
45 €
Fetal ultrasonography 11-13 weeks, 20-22 weeks- screening examination - twins
68 €
Pregnancy test
8 €
Cytological examination of biopsy and surgical material footprints
20 €
Legal abortion up to 6-7 weeks with IV anesthesia
80 €
Doppler examination of pregnant women and fetus
42 €
Out-of-hours ultrasonography (pregnant women, gynecological patients)
60 €
External cardiotocographic diagnostics
28 €
Diagnostic uterine abrasion
140 €
Swab collection for microflora
7 €
Fetal ultrasonography at expert level (detailed evaluation of fetal anatomy, ultrasonographic markers)
48 €
Sonohysterosalpingography (determination of tubal permeability with a catheter)
75 €
Uterine examination with NaCl
60 €
Obstetrician consultation
45 €
Oncologist consultation
45 €
Fetal ultrasonography at expert level with risk recalculation
55 €
Photo by USS
2 €
Ultrasound examination in obstetrics up to 12 weeks (to specify the time of pregnancy)
28 €
Cytological smear collection
7 €
Legal abortion up to 6-7 weeks with general anesthesia
105 €
25 €
300-370 €
Surcharge for the highest comfort conditions
13 €
High-tech equipment
85 €
IUD administration under IV anesthesia
65 €
Repeated consultation with a gynecologist
35 €
IUS administration
32 €
I/m injections
10 €
I / v antibiotic administration
12 €
Intramuscular injection
10 €
IUS removal
32 €
Subcutaneous implant removal
50 €
Correction of uterine sagging by inserting a ring
20 €
IUS removal with IV anesthesia
70 €
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) - a treatment procedure for urinary incontinence using DEKA laser equipment (one procedure session).
280.00 €
For each subsequent stress urinary incontinence (SUI) treatment procedure with DEKA laser equipment (one procedure session).
230.00 €
Endoscopic sonography - intravaginal
43 €
Mona Lisa Touch procedure with DEKA laser equipment (one procedure).
280.00 €
For each next Mona Lisa Touch procedure with A DECA laser (one procedure)
230.00 €
Lichen sclerosus (vulva atrophic changes) - treatment procedure with DEC laser device (single procedure)
140.00 €
Labiumlaser plastic with DECA laser machine
980.00 €
Cervical vaporisation with DECA laser device
450.00 €
Cervical contouring with DECA laser machine
450.00 €
Removal of condilomes, papillomes by 1 - 2 formations of DECA laser equipment
110.00 €
Removal of condilomes, papillomes with 3 - 4 formations of DECA laser equipment
190.00 €
Removal of condilomes, papillomes with DECA laser device for more than 5 formations
250.00 €
Chimen reconstruction with DECA laser machine
450.00 €
Blood collection
10 €
Intrauterine device insertion
90-240 €
Superficial tissue puncture biopsy
18 €
I / v injection
12 €