Acupuncture (needle therapy)
Acupuncture is an ancient healing method, whose origins can be traced back to Chinese traditional medicine 2,000 years ago. The purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate a steady flow of energy in the body, which in turn promotes recovery and regeneration processes. This is achieved with the help of very fine needles, acting on biologically active points on the surface of the skin. The irritation of the needles causes a reflex response of the body and improvement of the condition.
Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on the immune system, nervous system and metabolism. The procedures have an analgesic and a calming effect.
In the private clinic “Ģimenes veselība”, acupuncture procedures are performed by acupuncture doctor Nela Aleksejenko.
When is acupuncture used?
As an adjunctive therapy, acupuncture is used in the treatment of chronic pain, migraine, infertility, urinary system diseases, skin diseases, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Acupuncture also helps to improve emotional well-being, reduce tension, alleviate PMS, control weight, etc. Acupuncture has no contraindications and this procedure can also be performed on pregnant women.
Course of the procedure
During the procedure, the patient lies on a couch. The doctor inserts fine, flexible needles at certain points on the body. The procedure is painless because the needles used (made of steel or noble metals) are very fine and flexible. The set of needles used in the procedure is individual and is not reused.
After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for 20 minutes, after which the patient can continue his usual daily activities.
Course duration
Procedures and the duration of the course of procedures, as well as the areas of exposure, depend on the specific health problem. One acupuncture procedure can last from 20 minutes to an hour. An average of 2-3 procedures per week is recommended.
Acupuncture - needle therapy
Acupuncture - needle therapy
18 €