07. April | 2021.
Visual diagnostics opens the thirteenth branch - in Daugavpils!
Please be informed that this year On April 7, the thirteenth branch of SIA “Veselības centrs 4” group company SIA “Vizuālā diagnostika” - “Magnetic Resonance Center” in Daugavpils will start operating. The latest and most modern, magnetic and resonant 1.5T magnetic resonance 1.5T device Siemens MAGNETOM Altea with BioMatrix technology and increased gentian (70 cm) opening is installed in it.
|The "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center" is located in the center of Daugavpils, 62 Saules Street, and in the future Daugavpils, its surroundings and all Latgale residents will have the opportunity to receive high-quality magnetic resonance imaging, which will be remotely described by leading Latvian radiologists.